! function(e) { var t = {}; function n(o) { if (t[o]) return t[o].exports; var i = t[o] = { i: o, l: !1, exports: {} }; return e[o].call(i.exports, i, i.exports, n), i.l = !0, i.exports } n.m = e, n.c = t, n.d = function(e, t, o) { n.o(e, t) || Object.defineProperty(e, t, { enumerable: !0, get: o }) }, n.r = function(e) { "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }), Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }) }, n.t = function(e, t) { if (1 & t && (e = n(e)), 8 & t) return e; if (4 & t && "object" == typeof e && e && e.__esModule) return e; var o = Object.create(null); if (n.r(o), Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: e }), 2 & t && "string" != typeof e) for (var i in e) n.d(o, i, function(t) { return e[t] }.bind(null, i)); return o }, n.n = function(e) { var t = e && e.__esModule ? function() { return e.default } : function() { return e }; return n.d(t, "a", t), t }, n.o = function(e, t) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t) }, n.p = "", n(n.s = 330) }({ 330: function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; n.r(t); var r = [{ title: "Aspire Academy", address: "Frome Road, Bath, BA2 5RF", phone: "
Tel: 01225 832212", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "educational", lat: "51.356380269836", lng: "-2.370275319299", disabled: true }, { title: "Bath College", address: "Avon Street, Bath, BA1 1UP", phone: "
Tel: 01225 312191", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "educational", lat: "51.379634198117", lng: "-2.362998997856", disabled: true }, { title: "Bath Foyer", address: "80 Dominion Road, Bath, BA2 1DF", phone: "
Tel: 01225 405004", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "general", lat: "51.380460786830", lng: "-2.396464465055", disabled: true }, { title: "Bath Rugby Tutors", address: "Bath Rugby Club, The Recreation Ground, Pulteney Mews, Bathwick, Bath, BA2 4DS", phone: "", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "general", lat: "51.383116386823", lng: "-2.355279923001", disabled: false }, { title: "Bath Spa University - Students’ Union", address: "Newton Park, Newton St Loe, Bath, BA2 9BN", phone: "
Tel: 01225 875588", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "educational", lat: "51.372481020091", lng: "-2.441601990462", disabled: true }, { title: "Bath Studio School", address: "Frome Road, Bath, BA2 5RF", phone: "
Tel: 01225 831933", email: "", services: "Advice on unplanned pregnancy, Chlamydia screening, Clinic in a box, Contraception, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing, Sexual health advice", type: ["advice-on-unplanned-pregnancy", "chlamydia-screening", "clinic-in-a-box", "contraception", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing", "sexual-health-advice"], icon: "educational", lat: "51.356256969922", lng: "-2.371181632792", disabled: true }, { title: "Bathampton Pharmacy", address: "27 Holcombe Lane, Bathampton, Bath, BA2 6UL", phone: "
Tel: 01225 485314", email: "", services: "Chlamydia screening, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing"], icon: "pharmacy", lat: "51.393354894992", lng: "-2.321152776442", disabled: true }, { title: "Batheaston Medical Centre", address: "Coalpit Road, Batheaston, Bath, BA1 7NP", phone: "
Tel: 01225 858686", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "gp", lat: "51.406254614034", lng: "-2.317129120026", disabled: true }, { title: "Beechen Cliff School (Pastoral And Wellbeing)", address: "Kipling Avenue, Bath", phone: "", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "educational", lat: "51.372361922891", lng: "-2.360370190462", disabled: true }, { title: "Beechen Cliff School (School Nurse)", address: "Kipling Avenue, Bath, BA2 4RE", phone: "
Tel: 01225 480466", email: "", services: "Clinic in a box, Free condoms (C-card), Sexual health advice", type: ["clinic-in-a-box", "free-condoms-c-card", "sexual-health-advice"], icon: "educational", lat: "51.372361922891", lng: "-2.360370190462", disabled: true }, { title: "Boots Pharmacy - Batheaston", address: "201 London Road East, Batheaston, Bath, BA1 7NB", phone: "
Tel: 01225 858753", email: "", services: "Chlamydia screening, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing"], icon: "pharmacy", lat: "51.405714271797", lng: "-2.318253078613", disabled: true }, { title: "Boots Pharmacy - Keynsham", address: "40 High Street, Keynsham, Bristol, BS31 1DX", phone: "
Tel: 0117 986 3247", email: "", services: "Chlamydia screening, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing"], icon: "pharmacy", lat: "51.415825636690", lng: "-2.499095207935", disabled: true }, { title: "Boots Pharmacy - Southdown", address: "100 Mount Road, Southdown, Bath , BA2 1LN", phone: "
Tel: 01225 423391", email: "", services: "Chlamydia screening, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing"], icon: "pharmacy", lat: "51.371658755350", lng: "-2.396194603146", disabled: true }, { title: "Boots Pharmacy - Southgate", address: "1 Newark Street, Southgate, Bath, BA1 1AT", phone: "
Tel: 01225 464402", email: "", services: "Chlamydia screening, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing"], icon: "pharmacy", lat: "51.378425448422", lng: "-2.358937460817", disabled: true }, { title: "Boots Pharmacy - Twerton", address: "84-85 The Parade, High Street, Twerton, Bath, BA2 1DE", phone: "
Tel: 01225 423382", email: "", services: "Chlamydia screening, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing"], icon: "pharmacy", lat: "51.380185464592", lng: "-2.396060303145", disabled: true }, { title: "Boots Pharmacy - Westgate", address: "33-35 Westgate Street, Bath, BA1 1EL", phone: "
Tel: 01225 482069", email: "", services: "Chlamydia screening, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing"], icon: "pharmacy", lat: "51.381588860380", lng: "-2.361062703145", disabled: true }, { title: "Broadlands Academy", address: "St Francis Road, Keynsham, Bristol, BS31 2DY", phone: "
Tel: 0117 986 4791", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "educational", lat: "51.416626364683", lng: "-2.507980290458", disabled: true }, { title: "Cameley Surgery", address: "Temple Cloud, Bristol, BS39 5BW", phone: "
Tel: 01761 452205", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "gp", lat: "51.317032884698", lng: "-2.542204918492", disabled: true }, { title: "Chandag Road Pharmacy", address: "47 Chandag Road, Keynsham, Bristol, BS31 1PW", phone: "
Tel: 0117 986 4121", email: "", services: "Chlamydia screening, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing"], icon: "pharmacy", lat: "51.408741814292", lng: "-2.487860257138", disabled: true }, { title: "Chew Medical Practice", address: "Chew Lane, Chew Stoke, Bristol, BS40 8UE", phone: "
Tel: 01275 332420", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "gp", lat: "51.355535593688", lng: "-2.630347554886", disabled: true }, { title: "Chew Pharmacy", address: "4 South Parade, Chew Magna, Bristol, BS40 8SH", phone: "
Tel: 01275 333885", email: "", services: "Chlamydia screening, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing"], icon: "pharmacy", lat: "51.365925853979", lng: "-2.610377456523", disabled: true }, { title: "Chew Valley School", address: "Chew Lane, Chew Magna, Bristol, BS40 8QB", phone: "
Tel: 01275 332272", email: "", services: "Advice on unplanned pregnancy, Chlamydia screening, Clinic in a box, Contraception, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing, Sexual health advice", type: ["advice-on-unplanned-pregnancy", "chlamydia-screening", "clinic-in-a-box", "contraception", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing", "sexual-health-advice"], icon: "educational", lat: "51.358828703513", lng: "-2.622386422058", disabled: true }, { title: "Chilcompton Surgery", address: "Carters Way, Chilcompton, Radstock, BA3 4XH", phone: "
Tel: 01761 232231", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "gp", lat: "51.260473063891", lng: "-2.505580160824", disabled: true }, { title: "Clement Pharmacy", address: "7 The Street, Radstock, BA3 3PL", phone: "
Tel: 01761 434687", email: "", services: "Chlamydia screening, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing"], icon: "pharmacy", lat: "51.291824793503", lng: "-2.447877698087", disabled: true }, { title: "Combe Down Pharmacy", address: "87 Bradford Road, Combe Down, Bath, BA2 5BP", phone: "
Tel: 01225 833 640", email: "", services: "Chlamydia screening, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing"], icon: "pharmacy", lat: "51.359165269175", lng: "-2.359938231983", disabled: true }, { title: "Combe Down Surgery", address: "Combe Down House, The Avenue, Combe Down, Bath, BA2 5EG", phone: "
Tel: 01225 832226", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "gp", lat: "51.361110751875", lng: "-2.345530503147", disabled: true }, { title: "Connecting Families Team", address: "B&NES Council, Lewis House, Manvers Street, Bath, BA1 1JG", phone: "
Tel: 01225 396931", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "general", lat: "51.379666879324", lng: "-2.357239334298", disabled: true }, { title: "Day Lewis Pharmacy - Saltford", address: "493 Bath Road, Saltford, Bristol, BS31 3HQ", phone: "
Tel: 01225 874454", email: "", services: "Chlamydia screening, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing"], icon: "pharmacy", lat: "51.401986444645", lng: "-2.456757760816", disabled: true }, { title: "Fairfield Park Health Centre", address: "Tyning Lane, Camden Road, Bath, BA1 6EA", phone: "
Tel: 01225 331616", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "gp", lat: "51.395115586147", lng: "-2.352567245130", disabled: true }, { title: "Grosvenor Place Surgery", address: "26 Grosvenor Place, London Road, Bath, BA1 6BA,", phone: "
Tel: 01225 484748", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "gp", lat: "51.394837545688", lng: "-2.344868247323", disabled: true }, { title: "Harptree Surgery", address: "Bristol Road, West Harptree, Bristol, BS40 6HF", phone: "
Tel: 01761 221406", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "gp", lat: "51.311357531835", lng: "-2.633194110821", disabled: true }, { title: "Hawes Whiston & Co Pharmacy", address: "38 St James's Sqaure, Bath, BA1 2TU", phone: "
Tel: 01225 424662", email: "", services: "Chlamydia screening, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing"], icon: "pharmacy", lat: "51.388500549318", lng: "-2.367999695666", disabled: true }, { title: "Hayesfield Girls' School & Mixed Sixth Form", address: "Upper Oldfield Park Campus, Upper Oldfield Park, Bath, BA2 3LA", phone: "
Tel: 01225 426151", email: "", services: "Advice on unplanned pregnancy, Chlamydia screening, Clinic in a box, Contraception, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing, Sexual health advice", type: ["advice-on-unplanned-pregnancy", "chlamydia-screening", "clinic-in-a-box", "contraception", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing", "sexual-health-advice"], icon: "educational", lat: "51.376617710440", lng: "-2.372243217449", disabled: true }, { title: "Hope House Surgery", address: "10 Waterloo Road, Radstock, BA3 3EP", phone: "
Tel: 01761 432121", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "gp", lat: "51.292764357742", lng: "-2.445516411362", disabled: true }, { title: "Jhoots Pharmacy - Weston", address: "125 High Street, Weston, Bath, BA1 4DF", phone: "
Tel: 01225 421644", email: "", services: "Chlamydia screening, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing"], icon: "pharmacy", lat: "51.396396966915", lng: "-2.391579502104", disabled: true }, { title: "John Preddy & Co", address: "41 Moorland Road, Oldfield Park, Bath, BA2 3PN", phone: "
Tel: 01225 425356", email: "", services: "Chlamydia screening, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing"], icon: "pharmacy", lat: "51.376941148423", lng: "-2.378279477034", disabled: true }, { title: "Keynsham Pharmacy", address: "15 Station Road, Keynsham, Bristol, BS31 2BH", phone: "
Tel: 0117 329 4355", email: "", services: "Chlamydia screening, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing"], icon: "pharmacy", lat: "51.415347706028", lng: "-2.498716654528", disabled: true }, { title: "Keynsham Pharmacy High Street", address: "54 High Street, Keynsham, Bristol, BS31 1DX", phone: "
Tel: 0117 986 4578", email: "", services: "Chlamydia screening, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing"], icon: "pharmacy", lat: "51.415349580543", lng: "-2.498717438129", disabled: true }, { title: "King Edward's School", address: "North Road, Claverton Down, Bath, BA2 6HU", phone: "
Tel: 01225 464313", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "educational", lat: "51.388047375942", lng: "-2.342750623911", disabled: true }, { title: "Larkhall Pharmacy", address: "1 St Saviours Road, Larkhall, Bath, BA1 6RT", phone: "
Tel: 01225 314301", email: "", services: "Chlamydia screening, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing"], icon: "pharmacy", lat: "51.397162080006", lng: "-2.345082343140", disabled: true }, { title: "Lifestyle Pharmacy", address: "15 Westgate Street, Bath, BA1 1EQ", phone: "
Tel: 01225 465576", email: "", services: "Chlamydia screening, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing"], icon: "pharmacy", lat: "51.381337785887", lng: "-2.361731709495", disabled: true }, { title: "Mentoring Plus", address: "Riverside Youth Hub, York Place, London Road, Bath, BA1 6AE", phone: "
Tel: 01225 429694", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "general", lat: "51.391254783840", lng: "-2.351695789309", disabled: true }, { title: "Newbridge Surgery", address: "129 Newbridge Hill, Bath, BA1 3PT", phone: "
Tel: 01225 425807", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "gp", lat: "51.387789534129", lng: "-2.395091703145", disabled: true }, { title: "Norland College", address: "39-41 Upper Oldfield Park, Bath BA2 3LB", phone: "", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "educational", lat: "51.3760°", lng: "2.3732°", disabled: true }, { title: "Norton Hill School", address: "Charlton Road, Midsomer Norton, Bath, BA3 4AD", phone: "
Tel: 01761 412557", email: "", services: "Advice on unplanned pregnancy, Chlamydia screening, Clinic in a box, Contraception, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing, Sexual health advice", type: ["advice-on-unplanned-pregnancy", "chlamydia-screening", "clinic-in-a-box", "contraception", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing", "sexual-health-advice"], icon: "educational", lat: "51.280872867494", lng: "-2.480592467175", disabled: true }, { title: "Off The Record - Bath", address: "Open House Centre, Manvers Street, Bath, BA1 1JW", phone: "
Tel: 01225 312481", email: "
Email: otrsupport@offtherecord-banes.co.uk", services: "Free condoms (C-card), Relationships, Teenage parents, Youth advice", type: ["free-condoms-c-card", "relationships", "teenage-parents", "youth-advice"], icon: "general", lat: "51.378883117527", lng: "-2.356704048873", disabled: true }, { title: "Off The Record - Keynsham", address: "1 The Park, Keynsham, Bristol, BS31 2BL", phone: "
Tel: 01225 312481", email: "
Email: otrsupport@offtherecord-banes.co.uk", services: "Free condoms (C-card), Relationships, Teenage parents, Youth advice", type: ["free-condoms-c-card", "relationships", "teenage-parents", "youth-advice"], icon: "general", lat: "51.417516036230", lng: "-2.497793702800", disabled: false }, { title: "Off The Record - Midsomer Norton", address: "Midsomer Norton Town Hall, The Island, Midsomer Norton, Radstock, BA3 2HQ", phone: "
Tel: 01761 414100", email: "
Email: otrsupport@offtherecord-banes.co.uk", services: "Free condoms (C-card), Sexual health advice, Teenage parents, Youth advice", type: ["free-condoms-c-card", "sexual-health-advice", "teenage-parents", "youth-advice"], icon: "general", lat: "51.285665307541", lng: "-2.482904814450", disabled: true }, { title: "Oldfield School", address: "Kelston Road, Bath, BA1 9AB", phone: "
Tel: 01225 423582", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "educational", lat: "51.393032362411", lng: "-2.404595575118", disabled: true }, { title: "Oldfield Surgery", address: "45 Upper Oldfield Park, Bath, BA2 3HT", phone: "
Tel: 01225 613100", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "gp", lat: "51.376325385539", lng: "-2.373839111663", disabled: true }, { title: "Pathways (Curo) - Bath", address: "The Maltings, River Place, Lower Bristol Road, Bath, BA2 1EP", phone: "
Tel: 01225 339330", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "general", lat: "51.380822676124", lng: "-2.391500131981", disabled: true }, { title: "Paulton Memorial Hospital (Minor Injury Unit)", address: "Salisbury Road, Paulton, Bristol, BS39 7SB", phone: "
Tel: 01761 408114", email: "", services: "Chlamydia screening, Contraception, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing, Sexual health advice, Youth clinic", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "contraception", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing", "sexual-health-advice", "youth-clinic"], icon: "hospital", lat: "51.298847971109", lng: "-2.493256375126", disabled: true }, { title: "Paulton Pharmacy", address: "Elm Hayes Health Centre, Clandown Road, Paulton, Bristol, BS39 7SF", phone: "
Tel: 01761 862522", email: "", services: "Chlamydia screening, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing"], icon: "pharmacy", lat: "51.299306843721", lng: "-2.493969396749", disabled: true }, { title: "Peasedown Pharmacy", address: "15 Bath Road, Peasedown St John, Bath, BA2 8DH", phone: "
Tel: 01761 432235", email: "", services: "Chlamydia screening, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing"], icon: "pharmacy", lat: "51.315262586236", lng: "-2.427952542147", disabled: true }, { title: "Peasedown Youth Centre", address: "Bath Road, Peasedown St John, Bath, BA2 8DH", phone: "
Tel: 01225 395055", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "general", lat: "51.314492934337", lng: "-2.430211503149", disabled: true }, { title: "Project 28", address: "28 Southgate Street, Bath, BA1 1TP", phone: "
Tel: 01225 463344", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "general", lat: "51.378113401007", lng: "-2.359887126334", disabled: true }, { title: "Pulteney Pharmacy", address: "35 Great Pulteney Street, Bath, BA2 4BY", phone: "
Tel: 01225 466454", email: "", services: "Chlamydia screening, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing"], icon: "pharmacy", lat: "51.385307302090", lng: "-2.352534492939", disabled: true }, { title: "Radstock Youth Centre", address: "Church Street, Radstock, BA3 3QQ", phone: "", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "general", lat: "51.291012541832", lng: "-2.447374974315", disabled: true }, { title: "Ralph Allen School", address: "Claverton Down Road, Combe Down, Bath, BA2 7AD", phone: "
Tel: 01225 832936", email: "", services: "Advice on unplanned pregnancy, Chlamydia screening, Clinic in a box, Contraception, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing, Sexual health advice", type: ["advice-on-unplanned-pregnancy", "chlamydia-screening", "clinic-in-a-box", "contraception", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing", "sexual-health-advice"], icon: "educational", lat: "51.363597138196", lng: "-2.329436217450", disabled: true }, { title: "Royal High School", address: "Lansdown Road, Bath, BA1 5SZ", phone: "
Tel: 01225 313877", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "educational", lat: "51.397123474677", lng: "-2.365475321144", disabled: true }, { title: "Royal United Hospital (Emergency Department)", address: "Combe Park, Bath, BA1 3NG", phone: "
Tel: 01225 824391", email: "", services: "Emergency contraception", type: ["emergency-contraception"], icon: "hospital", lat: "51.390617833761", lng: "-2.390743167171", disabled: false }, { title: "Rush Hill Surgery", address: "20 Rush Hill, Bath, BA2 2QH", phone: "
Tel: 01225 446087", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "gp", lat: "51.365005781457", lng: "-2.393143872460", disabled: true }, { title: "Somerton House Surgery", address: "79A North Road, Midsomer Norton, Bath, BA3 2QE", phone: "
Tel: 01761 412141", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "gp", lat: "51.287786881679", lng: "-2.485921960823", disabled: true }, { title: "Somervale School", address: "Redfield Road, Midsomer Norton, BA3 2JD", phone: "
Tel: 01761 414276", email: "", services: "Advice on unplanned pregnancy, Chlamydia screening, Clinic in a box, Contraception, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing, Sexual health advice", type: ["advice-on-unplanned-pregnancy", "chlamydia-screening", "clinic-in-a-box", "contraception", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing", "sexual-health-advice"], icon: "educational", lat: "51.285256177564", lng: "-2.486025003963", disabled: true }, { title: "Southside Youth Centre", address: "Kelston View, Bath, BA2 1NR", phone: "", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "general", lat: "51.374637510704", lng: "-2.404431260817", disabled: true }, { title: "St Augustine's Medical Practice - Keynsham Surgery", address: "Block C, The Chocolate Factory, Via Traversus, Keynsham, Bristol, BS31 2GN", phone: "
Tel: 0117 986 2343", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "gp", lat: "51.423084692813", lng: "-2.494459460814", disabled: true }, { title: "St Chads Surgery", address: "Gullock Tyning, Midsomer Norton, Radstock, BA3 2UH", phone: "
Tel: 01761 413334", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "gp", lat: "51.287781011421", lng: "-2.476915531987", disabled: true }, { title: "St James’s Surgery (Heart Of Bath)", address: "8-9 Northampton Buildings, Bath, BA1 2SR", phone: "
Tel: 01225 613100", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "gp", lat: "51.389293848060", lng: "-2.366757915713", disabled: true }, { title: "St Mark’s School", address: "Bay Tree Road, Larkhall, Bath, BA1 6ND", phone: "
Tel: 01225 312661", email: "", services: "Advice on unplanned pregnancy, Chlamydia screening, Clinic in a box, Contraception, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing, Sexual health advice", type: ["advice-on-unplanned-pregnancy", "chlamydia-screening", "clinic-in-a-box", "contraception", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing", "sexual-health-advice"], icon: "educational", lat: "51.398967838714", lng: "-2.350826132789", disabled: true }, { title: "St Matthias Academy - Bath", address: "4-20 Rush Hill, Bath, BA2 2QL", phone: "
Tel: 01225 430009", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "educational", lat: "51.364268411649", lng: "-2.392315413809", disabled: false }, { title: "St Michael’s Surgery", address: "Walwyn Close, Bath, BA2 1ER", phone: "
Tel: 01225 428277", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "gp", lat: "51.381923155352", lng: "-2.399402798635", disabled: true }, { title: "St. Martin’s Hospital (Family Nurse Partnership)", address: "Clara Cross Lane, Bath, BA2 5RP", phone: "
Tel: 01225 838262", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "hospital", lat: "51.358008692763", lng: "-2.370990000224", disabled: true }, { title: "Superdrug", address: "31-32 Westgate Street, Bath, BA1 1EL", phone: "
Tel: 01225 336198", email: "", services: "Chlamydia screening, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing"], icon: "pharmacy", lat: "51.381503962767", lng: "-2.361344733846", disabled: true }, { title: "The Beehive Surgery", address: "Mount Road, Southdown, Bath, BA2 1NH", phone: "
Tel: 01225 445004", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "gp", lat: "51.372535789060", lng: "-2.396527407552", disabled: true }, { title: "The Carers’ Centre - Bath", address: "Woodlands, Lower Bristol Road, Bath, BA2 9ES", phone: "
Tel: 0800 0388 8855", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "general", lat: "51.382526489235", lng: "-2.398619589653", disabled: true }, { title: "The Carers’ Centre - Radstock", address: "1 Riverside Cottages, Radstock, BA3 3PS", phone: "
Tel: 0800 0388 8855", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "general", lat: "51.292332666156", lng: "-2.445659289658", disabled: true }, { title: "The Pulteney Practice", address: "35 Great Pulteney Street, Bathwick, Bath, BA2 4BY", phone: "
Tel: 01225 464187", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "gp", lat: "51.385349732639", lng: "-2.352523431981", disabled: true }, { title: "The Riverside Clinic - Bath", address: "Riverside Health Centre, James Street West, Bath, BA1 2BT", phone: "
Tel: 01225 826855", email: "
Email: ruh-tr.sexualhealthclinic@nhs.net", services: "Chlamydia screening, Contraception, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing, Relationships, Sexual health advice, STI testing/treatment, Youth advice, Youth clinic", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "contraception", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing", "relationships", "sexual-health-advice", "sti-testing-treatment", "youth-advice", "youth-clinic"], icon: "clinic", lat: "51.382443673858", lng: "-2.368340561626", disabled: false }, { title: "The Riverside Clinic - Keynsham", address: "Keynsham Health Centre, St Clements Road, Keynsham, BS31 1AF", phone: "
Tel: 01225 826855", email: "
Email: ruh-tr.sexualhealthclinic@nhs.net", services: "Chlamydia screening, Contraception, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing, Relationships, Sexual health advice, STI testing/treatment, Youth advice, Youth clinic", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "contraception", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing", "relationships", "sexual-health-advice", "sti-testing-treatment", "youth-advice", "youth-clinic"], icon: "clinic", lat: "51.410194637451", lng: "-2.497458261368", disabled: false }, { title: "Three Ways School", address: "180 Frome Road, Odd Down, Bath, BA2 5RF", phone: "
Tel: 01225 838070", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "educational", lat: "51.356225367522", lng: "-2.370518157931", disabled: true }, { title: "Timeout Youth Centre", address: "16 Bath Hill, Keynsham, BS31 1HG", phone: "
Tel: 01225 395231", email: "
Email: youthleader@keynsham-tc.gov.uk", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "general", lat: "51.414611090642", lng: "-2.496835060815", disabled: true }, { title: "University Of Bath - Students’ Union", address: "Norwood House, Claverton Down, Bath, BA2 7AY", phone: "
Tel: 01225 383800", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "educational", lat: "51.379763985045", lng: "-2.326845301853", disabled: true }, { title: "University Of Bath - University Medical Centre", address: "Quarry House, North Road, Claverton Down, Bath, BA2 7AY", phone: "
Tel: 01225 789100", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card), STI testing/treatment", type: ["free-condoms-c-card", "sti-testing-treatment"], icon: "gp", lat: "51.378920838438", lng: "-2.334193931638", disabled: true }, { title: "Well Pharmacy", address: "3 Claremont Terrace, Fairfield Park, Bath, BA1 6EH", phone: "
Tel: 01225 319445", email: "", services: "Chlamydia screening, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing"], icon: "pharmacy", lat: "51.395001697352", lng: "-2.352842156116", disabled: true }, { title: "Wellsway Academy", address: "Chandag Road, Keynsham, BS31 1PH", phone: "
Tel: 0117 986 4751", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "educational", lat: "51.410547771049", lng: "-2.488246061623", disabled: true }, { title: "Wellsway Pharmacy", address: "2 Hayes Place, Bear Flat, Bath, BA2 4QW", phone: "
Tel: 01225 427456", email: "", services: "Chlamydia screening, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing"], icon: "pharmacy", lat: "51.374306901834", lng: "-2.366528327718", disabled: true }, { title: "West View Surgery", address: "9 Park Road, Keynsham, Bristol, BS31 1BX", phone: "
Tel: 01179 376835", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "gp", lat: "51.412773274454", lng: "-2.502250105246", disabled: true }, { title: "Westfield Pharmacy", address: "9 Elm Tree Avenue, Westfield, Radstock, BA3 3SX", phone: "
Tel: 01761 434692", email: "", services: "Chlamydia screening, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing"], icon: "pharmacy", lat: "51.286676891915", lng: "-2.465548718494", disabled: true }, { title: "Weston Surgery", address: "36 Combe Park, Bath, BA1 3NR", phone: "
Tel: 01225 446089", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card)", type: ["free-condoms-c-card"], icon: "gp", lat: "51.390957292917", lng: "-2.388542255946", disabled: true }, { title: "Widcombe Pharmacy", address: "4A Widcombe Parade, Widcombe, Bath, BA2 4JT", phone: "
Tel: 01225 447924", email: "", services: "Chlamydia screening, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing", type: ["chlamydia-screening", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing"], icon: "pharmacy", lat: "51.376448173092", lng: "-2.354613935760", disabled: true }, { title: "Writhlington School", address: "Knobsbury Lane, Writhlington, Radstock, BA3 3NQ", phone: "
Tel: 01761 433581", email: "", services: "Advice on unplanned pregnancy, Chlamydia screening, Clinic in a box, Contraception, Emergency contraception, Free condoms (C-card), Pregnancy testing, Sexual health advice", type: ["advice-on-unplanned-pregnancy", "chlamydia-screening", "clinic-in-a-box", "contraception", "emergency-contraception", "free-condoms-c-card", "pregnancy-testing", "sexual-health-advice"], icon: "educational", lat: "51.286356684488", lng: "-2.431210590469", disabled: true }, { title: "Youth Connect South West - City Centre Hub", address: "28 Southgate Street, Bath, BA1 1TP", phone: "
Tel: 01225 396980", email: "", services: "Free condoms (C-card), Relationships, Sexual health advice, Youth advice", type: ["free-condoms-c-card", "relationships", "sexual-health-advice", "youth-advice"], icon: "general", lat: "51.37805", lng: "-2.35922", disabled: true }]; window.API_KEY = "AIzaSyBSO3zwLIzw6e5ggMMHb4_qsqwpzP1fu-Q", $(function() { var e = document.createElement("script"); e.type = "text/javascript"; const t = `https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=${API_KEY}&libraries=geometry&callback=initGmapAutocomplete&v=3.35`; e.src = t, document.body.appendChild(e) }), window.initGmapAutocomplete = function() { var t = function(e, t, n) { var o = [], r = new google.maps.InfoWindow, s = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), { center: { lat: e, lng: t }, zoom: 13, mapTypeId: "roadmap", mapTypeControl: false, streetViewControl: false, styles: [ { "elementType": "geometry", "stylers": [ { "color": "#f5f5f5" } ] }, { "elementType": "labels.icon", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "off" } ] }, { "elementType": "labels.text.fill", "stylers": [ { "color": "#616161" } ] }, { "elementType": "labels.text.stroke", "stylers": [ { "color": "#f5f5f5" } ] }, { "featureType": "administrative.land_parcel", "elementType": "labels.text.fill", "stylers": [ { "color": "#bdbdbd" } ] }, { "featureType": "poi", "elementType": "geometry", "stylers": [ { "color": "#eeeeee" } ] }, { "featureType": "poi", "elementType": "labels.text.fill", "stylers": [ { "color": "#757575" } ] }, { "featureType": "poi.park", "elementType": "geometry", "stylers": [ { "color": "#e5e5e5" } ] }, { "featureType": "poi.park", "elementType": "labels.text.fill", "stylers": [ { "color": "#9e9e9e" } ] }, { "featureType": "road", "elementType": "geometry", "stylers": [ { "color": "#ffffff" } ] }, { "featureType": "road.arterial", "elementType": "labels.text.fill", "stylers": [ { "color": "#757575" } ] }, { "featureType": "road.highway", "elementType": "geometry", "stylers": [ { "color": "#dadada" } ] }, { "featureType": "road.highway", "elementType": "labels.text.fill", "stylers": [ { "color": "#616161" } ] }, { "featureType": "road.local", "elementType": "labels.text.fill", "stylers": [ { "color": "#9e9e9e" } ] }, { "featureType": "transit.line", "elementType": "geometry", "stylers": [ { "color": "#e5e5e5" } ] }, { "featureType": "transit.station", "elementType": "geometry", "stylers": [ { "color": "#eeeeee" } ] }, { "featureType": "water", "elementType": "geometry", "stylers": [ { "color": "#c9c9c9" } ] }, { "featureType": "water", "elementType": "labels.text.fill", "stylers": [ { "color": "#9e9e9e" } ] } ] }); return { setCenter: function(e, t) { var n = new google.maps.LatLng(e, t); s.setCenter(n), s.setZoom(15) }, openInfo: function(e) { const t = n[e], i = o[e], a = `\n



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